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From Hero to Villain: Balen Shah’s Secret Escapes and Scandals Rock Kathmandu

From Hero to Villain: Balen Shah’s Secret Escapes and Scandals Rock Kathmandu

Inside Balen Shah's Secret Getaways and Scandals – How Kathmandu's Mayor Neglected the City and Sparked Controversy

Balendra Shah, widely known as Balen, emerged victorious in the Kathmandu mayoral election held on May 13, 2022. His win was seen as a monumental shift in the capital city's politics. A structural engineer by profession and a popular figure, Balen captured the hearts of Kathmandu's residents, bringing hope not only to the city but to all of Nepal, as his election symbolized a new dawn in a country increasingly disillusioned with traditional political parties.

In the aftermath of his victory, Balen's reputation quickly soured. The excitement surrounding the new mayor soon gave way to controversy, starting with an incident where he reportedly misbehaved with a journalist from Himalayan TV. This marked the beginning of a pattern of tense interactions with various stakeholders, including footpath vendors, slum residents, kabadi shop owners, traders in New Road and Durbar Marg, and riverside house owners. Many of these groups, initially hopeful that Balen would advocate for their interests, soon found their expectations unmet. What had begun as a beacon of hope rapidly morphed into a wave of frustration and fear.

Balen Shah, a member of the Madheshi community, had been embraced by the people of Kathmandu due to growing public dissatisfaction with the established political parties. His bulldozer-driven campaign to demolish illegal structures drew widespread criticism from small business owners who were economically devastated by these actions. Adding to the tension, Balen famously ordered garbage to be dumped at the office of the Maoist party as a protest against the government's failure to manage waste. This act intensified political tensions, and his incendiary statement about burning down Singha Durbar if the federal government failed to support Kathmandu's development left many alarmed.

Shah’s clashes with various institutions, such as the Department of Roads, escalated when he protested poor road maintenance by dumping garbage at their gate. His ongoing feud with the federal government deepened when he accused Facebook of censoring a critical status he posted, leading his supporters to launch an "unfollow" campaign against the platform. His handling of child labor allegations involving MP Rekha Sharma further isolated him from key political figures. Additionally, his attempts to modernize traditional heritage sites drew criticism for allegedly damaging Kathmandu's cultural identity, and accusations of nepotism in appointing officials tarnished his image further.

One of his most controversial actions involved a map of "Greater Nepal" displayed in his office, which raised diplomatic concerns with India, as the move was seen by many as an unnecessary provocation on a sensitive issue. Balen's aggressive style of governance began to alienate not only political elites but also the common citizens of Kathmandu.

His removal of street vendors from the footpaths, though appreciated by some for clearing public spaces, was decried by the small traders whose livelihoods were shattered. Moreover, Balen publicly criticized the Kathmandu District Court’s building, creating friction with the judiciary. As the controversies mounted, Balen's actions, once seen as bold reforms, began to be perceived as reckless and divisive.

Despite his grand promises to serve the citizens of Kathmandu, Balen has become increasingly difficult to reach. Ordinary people seeking to express their concerns or discuss issues have found him largely unavailable at his office. Instead, Balen seems to prioritize meetings with high-profile foreigners, close associates, and select individuals from his inner circle. His absence from his office has been noted by many, as he is frequently seen outside Kathmandu, spending time at high-end restaurants in Lalitpur.

According to sources, Balen regularly visits places like Sasaa Twa Restaurant in Kirtipur and Chhaimale Resort, located in Sagal Tole-5, Kirtipur. The ambiance at Sasaa Twa is a perfect blend of traditional Newari decor and a rustic, relaxed atmosphere. The restaurant offers sweeping views of Kirtipur’s hills, complemented by its specialty Newari dishes and local drinks, which Balen is said to enjoy. Meanwhile, Chhaimale Resort provides a more secluded and serene environment, surrounded by lush greenery and perfect for those seeking a quiet escape from the bustling city life. A drive from Kathmandu to Kirtipur in his expensive SUV seems to offer Balen the utmost pleasure, often accompanied by friends Sunil Lamsal and Kumar Byanjankar, where the mayor reportedly enjoys getting drunk and soaking in the tranquility.

While Balen may be hard to find at his office, sources suggest that those seeking to meet him might have better luck visiting Sasaa Twa Restaurant or Chhaimale Resort, where he is a frequent guest. 

Over time, Balen's close confidants, such as Raju Pandey, head of Metro Police, and Bhoop Dev Shah, have also drawn criticism for their alleged irregularities, incompetence, and rude behavior toward the public. As the months have passed, the once hopeful citizens of Kathmandu now view their mayor as distant, controversial, and increasingly dictatorial, with their faith in him slowly eroding. The once beloved, angry young man who promised change has become a source of disillusionment.

Balendra Shah
