
Revolutionary Insights by Jyoti Baniya and Hariram Rimal – The Future of Technology Unveiled!

Revolutionary Insights by Jyoti Baniya and Hariram Rimal – The Future of Technology Unveiled!

Nagarjun, 29 Bhadra 2081 – On the eve of the 12th National Science Day, Nagarjun Chautari (NaChau) organized a special forum to discuss science and technology under the leadership of its president, Tek Bahadur Karki. The event was held at the Armed Police Force’s covered hall in Halchowk, with senior officials and experts from various sectors present.

The chief guest, Gokarnamani Duwadi, Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs, opened the event by extending his best wishes for Science Day. He emphasized the importance of utilizing science and technology to enhance the quality of life in Nepal. Duwadi recalled his own school days when science was an elective subject, and expressed his satisfaction that it has now become a compulsory field of study. Highlighting the growing threat of cybercrime, he stressed the need for local initiatives to promote cyber literacy in every ward.

Speaking on the importance of scientific investment, Vishwababu Pudasaini, Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, noted that a technology-driven approach could shift Nepal’s import-dependent economy towards self-reliance. He pointed out that investing in science and technology is not just a development strategy but a necessity for national security.

Nagarjun Mayor Mohan Bahadur Basnet also addressed the gathering, reflecting on the technological initiatives taken by the municipality and its future plans.

Focus on Jyoti Baniya’s Vision

Jyoti Baniya, chairman of the Consumer Rights Protection Forum and an advisor to Nagarjun Chautari, delivered the welcome address. He emphasized that the core mission of the organization is to contribute to the well-being of individuals and society. Baniya underscored that science and technology must be harnessed to address fundamental societal issues such as health, education, and consumer rights. His speech focused on aligning technological advancements with the goal of creating a healthier and more aware population.

Hariram Rimal's Pioneering Insights

Hariram Rimal, an expert in the field of technology, delivered the keynote address, delving into the evolution of scientific concepts, the importance of technology, and the growing role of artificial intelligence. He highlighted the various dimensions of AI, explaining how it is shaping industries across the globe. Rimal elaborated on how scientific innovation and AI are interconnected, presenting a future where AI will become a fundamental part of everyday life. His presentation not only explored the theoretical aspects but also brought attention to real-world applications and future prospects.

Dr. Anu Shakya presented a detailed report on the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, providing insight into how technology is revolutionizing medical treatments and diagnostics.

Other Highlights

Dr. Dhruba Regmi, speaking on the broader impact of science, noted that science and technology continue to pose significant challenges to human civilization. He urged the audience to focus on minimizing the negative aspects of technological advancements, such as ethical dilemmas and potential misuse.

The event concluded with a poetic recitation by student Namuna Khadka, focusing on the wonders of science.

Wrapping up the event, Tek Bahadur Karki, the president of the organization, expressed his gratitude to all participants and vowed that Nagarjun Chautari would continue organizing such impactful discussions in the future. He thanked everyone for contributing to the success of the event and reinforced the importance of science and technology in the nation's progress.

In attendance were educators, experts, and officials from various sectors, along with Nagarjun Chautari members.
