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Terror in the Newsroom: Ensuring a Safe Environment for Journalists

Terror in the Newsroom: Ensuring a Safe Environment for Journalists

People often resort to different methods to make their presence known. Some use their intellect, while others rely on their strength. However, a few individuals attempt to spread terror through the use of weapons. In a recent incident, an individual used a weapon to threaten senior journalist Kishor Shrestha and his wife with death threats.

Senior journalist Kishor Shrestha, the editor-in-chief of Jan Aastha Weekly and a former acting chairman of the Press Council of Nepal, is known as a fearless journalist. With extensive international experience, Shrestha has gained a special reputation for his unique and courageous reporting.

News has surfaced that an individual entered the office of Jan Aastha Weekly armed with a weapon and threatened Shrestha. The person claimed to be Kapil C, the Secretariat Secretary of the Biplav Student Organization, associated with the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) Biplav faction, and reportedly made obscene remarks and threatened Shrestha with physical harm over the phone.

According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists, on the morning of July 23rd, Kapil C allegedly called Chief Editor Shrestha and hurled threats and abusive language at him, warning him of grave consequences. During the threats, statements were made about "killing Editor-in-Chief Shrestha and his wife wherever they are found" and "blowing up their house with a bomb."

Later that day, an armed individual arrived at the newspaper's office in Dhobighat, Sanepa, and threatened all employees, demanding Shrestha's presence within an hour. He threatened to blow up the office with a bomb if his demands were not met, causing a disruption in the publication of the newspaper.

In its statement, the Federation of Nepali Journalists said, "If there are any grievances related to news coverage, they should be addressed through dialogue, discussion, or legal means. Threatening physical harm, bomb attacks, and using abusive language in a criminal manner is an attack on the entire journalism sector."

The Federation condemned the incident and demanded the immediate identification and legal action against those involved. In a statement issued by General Secretary Roshan Puri, it said, "We urge the concerned parties to respect journalists' rights and ensure such activities are not repeated."

This incident is a severe challenge to the freedom and security of journalism. Journalist Kishor Shrestha has consistently demonstrated courage in seeking the truth without showing fear in his work. Additionally, the Biplav group has officially stated that it does not bear arms and is committed to peaceful politics. Therefore, it is suspected that an unknown group might be trying to tarnish the name of Biplav by perpetrating such actions.

This news highlights a serious problem in society, where some individuals attempt to assert their existence through terror and threats. Security agencies must act promptly to control such incidents.

 The Need for a Safe Environment for Journalists

This incident underscores the critical need for creating a safe and risk-free environment for journalists and media professionals. Journalists play a vital role in society by bringing truth to light, often at great personal risk. Ensuring their safety is not just about protecting individuals but also about safeguarding democracy and free speech.

Why a Safe Environment is Essential:

1. Freedom of Expression: Journalists must work without fear of retribution to ensure freedom of expression and the right to information. When journalists are threatened, it stifles their ability to report objectively and truthfully.

2. Accountability: A safe environment allows journalists to hold power accountable, investigate corruption, and highlight social injustices without fear of being targeted.

3. Public Trust: The safety of journalists is directly linked to public trust in the media. When journalists can work safely, it ensures that the information provided is unbiased and reliable.

4. Protection of Democracy: A free and independent press is a cornerstone of democracy. Threats against journalists are threats against democratic values and the right of the public to be informed.

Ensuring Journalists' Safety:

- Strong Legal Frameworks: Governments should implement strong legal frameworks that protect journalists from threats and violence, ensuring swift justice for any attacks against them.

- Public Awareness: Society must recognize the importance of journalists and their work, fostering a culture of respect and understanding for the role they play.

- International Support: International organizations and media watchdogs should continue to support journalists, offering protection and resources to those in danger.


In light of the recent threats against Kishor Shrestha and his wife, it is crucial to emphasize the need for a secure environment for journalists. The media must be allowed to function without fear, as their work is essential for a transparent and accountable society. Let us hope for the safety and well-being of all journalists, as they continue to shed light on the truths that matter.
