Cover Stories

Big Brother in the Breakroom: Balen's CCTV Sparks "Creative Breaks" in Kathmandu Office

Big Brother in the Breakroom: Balen's CCTV Sparks "Creative Breaks" in Kathmandu Office

From Fishy Lunches to Fear of Cameras: The Story of Office Oddities

The office environment can be a curious mix of the expected and the... unexpected. Surveys reveal everything from questionable lunch choices (70% of workers have witnessed a co-worker microwave something strange according to a 2019 survey) to office romances (a 2020 survey showed 33% of Americans have dated a co-worker!). Stress, social needs, and even boredom can all contribute to these quirky behaviors, as evidenced by the now-legendary tale of the stapler-hiding prankster on Reddit.

Nepal's Office Culture: A Unique Blend

Nepal's office culture adds its own twist to the mix. While gossip, backbiting, and even corruption are reported to be common, some private companies have taken the unusual step of banning couples (married or otherwise) from working together.

CCTV: A Solution or a Source of Stress?

In an attempt to promote transparency and curb negative behaviors, many offices are turning to CCTV surveillance. However, a recent incident in Kathmandu highlights the potential downsides of this approach.

The Case of Kathmandu Metropolitan City

The Kathmandu Metropolitan City office, under the leadership of Mayor Balen Shah, recently installed CCTV cameras throughout the workplace. While the goal was to ensure employee productivity and create a transparent atmosphere, the constant monitoring has backfired.

Fear and Flight: The Rise of "Creative Breaks"

The ever-present gaze of the cameras has created a stressful environment for staff. Employees, uncomfortable with being watched all the time, are taking more frequent "creative breaks" for refreshments and even smoking breaks. This rise in breaks has been dubbed "Balen's CCTV Terror," highlighting the unintended consequences of excessive surveillance.

The Takeaway: Finding Balance

The story of office life, from peculiar lunches to the fear of cameras, shows the importance of striking a balance between workplace efficiency and employee well-being. There's more to a productive office than just constant monitoring – a healthy work environment requires a mix of trust, clear expectations, and a little understanding of the occasional quirk.
