Cover Stories

Rabi Lamichhane's Luxury Detention: Five-Star Treatment and the 'Revolutionary' Spectacle of His Supporters!

Rabi Lamichhane's Luxury Detention: Five-Star Treatment and the 'Revolutionary' Spectacle of His Supporters!

Oh, what a spectacle! The great Rabi Lamichhane, a former U.S. citizen and Nepal's former Deputy Prime Minister, has been arrested. And not just any arrest — it’s as if the very heavens have shaken! Naturally, his ever-so-loyal army of followers has decided that the best way to handle this “grave injustice” is by, you guessed it, taking to the streets to put on a grand show. Because, clearly, when your leader is arrested, the most logical response is to block roads and shout at the top of your lungs. Who needs law and order when you can stage a street drama?

Lamichhane, being the self-declared beacon of innocence, has assured everyone that he's done absolutely nothing wrong. According to him, the real crooks are sitting snugly in the ruling party, protected by the government itself. Now, obviously, his cadres have no choice but to believe him without question. Who needs investigations when you can chant slogans against the government and block traffic? I mean, what better way to showcase your dedication to justice than by disrupting daily life for everyone else?

When the police, following the lawful orders of the court, decided to take Lamichhane to Pokhara for questioning, his loyal followers sprang into action. They were not about to let a little thing like legal proceedings get in the way. No, sir! They made sure to stage protests at various points along the route, as if obstructing the law would somehow make their leader innocent. Because nothing screams “We believe in justice!” like trying to stop it from happening.

Even at 3 a.m., when Lamichhane was finally taken into custody in Pokhara, his followers were still out there, shouting and making a scene. It’s almost as if they believe that if they just yell loud enough, the truth will magically bend to their will. Who needs facts when you have blind loyalty and a good set of lungs, right?

And let’s not forget the special treatment being arranged for the great leader. The police in Kaski have gone out of their way to ensure that Lamichhane is very comfortable. They’ve prepared a nice, clean space for him, complete with warm, cozy blankets and a soft bed. Oh, and did I mention he gets to enjoy his meals in peace? No sharing a cell with the common folk for this VIP! He’s got his own separate space, a clean bathroom, and the best part — no handcuffs! Because, you know, handcuffs are for regular criminals, not for someone like Rabi Lamichhane.

So, dear cadres, why the panic? Your beloved leader is being treated like royalty in custody. He’s not some lowly commoner who has to deal with the harsh realities of jail life. He’s getting the luxury detention package. It’s practically a vacation, just with fewer beach views and more police officers.

Why bother disrupting the investigation with your unnecessary antics? Why shout and block roads when your leader is being treated like a guest at a five-star resort? Let’s not complicate things. The investigation will continue, and the truth will come out. You just need to sit back, relax, and let the process unfold. But no, that would be too sensible. Instead, let’s stage protests, as if throwing a tantrum will magically erase any wrongdoing.

In the end, what’s most ironic is that these loyal cadres, in their desperate attempt to defend Lamichhane, are only making things worse. By interfering with the legal process, they’re just making the accusations against him seem more serious. If only they could take a step back and, just for a moment, think rationally. But where’s the fun in that?

After all, who needs patience and respect for the law when you can create a full-blown street drama? So, let’s all take a moment to applaud these cadres for their dedication. Truly, their commitment to chaos is nothing short of impressive.

Ravi Lamichhane
