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Civil Aviation Director in Hot Water: Shocking Corruption Allegations Revealed!

Civil Aviation Director in Hot Water: Shocking Corruption Allegations Revealed!

A massive rally was held today at Maitighar Mandala in Kathmandu, organized by the National Unity Campaign, demanding an investigation into the Pokhara International Airport and the dismissal of the Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority, Pradeep Adhikari.

Led by the campaign’s chairman, Vinay Yadav, the rally saw the participation of hundreds of citizens, students, and representatives from various organizations. Protesters called for an immediate resolution of technical issues at the airport and emphasized that the Pokhara Airport is not part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Chanting slogans like "Pokhara Airport is not part of BRI," and "Resolve technical issues, stop China's interference!" the demonstrators sought to draw the government’s attention to various concerns related to the airport. They also demanded that the Chinese ambassador issue an apology, called for unity against China's geopolitical maneuvers in Nepal, and urged the government to free the Pokhara Airport from debt traps.

During the protest, participants burned pictures of the Civil Aviation Authority’s Director General, Pradeep Adhikari, calling for his dismissal. They also demanded a thorough investigation into the construction process of the airport, which they described as tainted by "major corruption" and irregularities.

Addressing the rally, senior leader of the campaign and Constituent Assembly member BP Yadav urged the government to curb China’s interference and protect the nation’s sovereignty and dignity. He called for the swift resolution of the airport's technical issues and an end to Chinese involvement in the matter.

The rally concluded peacefully, with participants expressing their commitment to ensuring that their demands are brought to the government's attention.
